Tom Jewkes founded CyberEye in 2018 to protect small and medium-sized businesses against advanced cyber threats. Jewkes has a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity, and is a cybersecurity professor at the National Security Agency-accredited University of Arizona. He also has three industry-recognized certifications Before starting his business, he had more than 20 years of experience in government and industry.
After developing a cybersecurity class and speaking to the vendors, he soon found out that the major vendors only catered to the businesses with deep pockets. There were no reasonable costs solutions for small and medium sized business … until now.
Dan Gavin has a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering and three industry certifications. He has over 25 years experience in industry and government with software, testing, and cybersecurity expertise.
He has the unique honor of being the very first Cyber Guy.
Cybersecurity is not required for those that do not use email or a browser. For all the rest of us, CyberEye is a trusted advisor for all your cybersecurity needs